Have you asked why there are financial diversities all over the world? Just come to think about it; In one corner of the globe, individuals are swimming in bounty. They can afford any variety of food they desire. Their children have access to great quality education. Going to holidays is not a serious deal. In the other corner of the world it has never rained throughout the previous four years. The land is dry and patched. The two children and adults have that void look of desperation on their faces. To have a meal is by the grace of God. The children are filthy and malnourished. Wearing destroyed clothes, they scavenge wherever to find something to place in their rumbling stomachs. Their stomachs look enormous, not because they are full yet as a result of Kwashiokor and other malnutrion diseases. These children have never gone to school and have no desire for getting any education unless somebody does something about it.
All things considered, one fact knits us together. We are all human beings created in the image of God. Nobody chose where to be conceived. To be conceived in both of the two worlds is simply our creator’s decision. The human society is based on the building blocks of affection. Yet, love without taking a positive action is nothing. For those who were conceived in the land of bounty, we should be grateful to God for such a gracious deed. Enjoying ourselves to the full without thinking of our poor desperately hungry brothers in the opposite side of the world does not bring real satisfaction.
Have you at any point observed the affluent yet selfish individuals who care list about the suffering scene? They seem to find a sense of contentment however there is something missing inside. Their family lives are plagued with divorces. Their children are rebellious and are easily addicted to drugs. Families are plagued with disputes among members and the list goes endlessly and on…
On the contrary, those kind individuals who love to help other people may not accumulate a lot of riches yet are blessed. Their lives are brimming with affection and happiness overseas community service. The affection between the spouses seem to increase step by step. Their children are authentic and loyal. Family members live alongside each other in peace and harmony. Constant incurable diseases scarcely catch them and so on.
The children conceived in a disadvantaged side of the world deserve a chance to change their reality. Without education this will never take place. Actually without food their young brains may never create to their full capacity. Try not to wait for someone else to step in. You can search for genuine charity organizations and start donating. You can get linked to individual children and become a personal giver.